Erotic 2girl Phone Sex Fantasy

2girl phone sex

This call happened a little bit ago and it wasnt that I had forgot about it but more just finding the right time to add it to my blog. It was a 2girl phone sex call that occurred between M and Ariel. Now usually M loves his 2girl fantasies to revolve around the erotic lesbian role play that takes place in Lipstick Dreams.

Thanks to M I have gotten a chance to explore many women with this ongoing elaborate phone sex fantasy. However, the call with Ariel took a bit of a twist instead of her coming to me to join the group at Lipstick Dreams, she was M’s secretary and I was the jealous wife.

Jealous of the time she was spending with my husband. Jealous of her youth. Jealous of her trying to get his attention with her sexy clothes. Knowing full well my husband wouldnt stray but really when he is face to face with coed every day who knows men are weak.

There was only one way to deal with the little trollop and that was to invite her over for dinner and put an end to her anticipations of getting into my husbands pants. Told M it was under the guise of wanting to meet who he spends so much time with. Like to know who I talk to while he is so busy. Put a face to the voice type of deal who really knows what all I said. He just had her come over like a good boy.

When he left to make drinks I let her know that I would not be having any of this shit. M and I had been married for far too long and that she with her young firm body would not get in the way of things.

lesbian phone sex

Some how our conversation when from me laying down the law about things to Ariel and I making out. She was very sexy. I couldnt resist. The way she dressed. Oh man. My panties were wet.

I know you would love to find out M’s response to his wife engaging in lesbian activities in front of him but that will just have to wait. For its far more fun when you find out how hot and erotic such a scene is when you experience your own 2girl phone sex call.

There are a number of sexy girls to choose from so just tell the dispatcher you wish to book a two girl fantasy with myself Savannah and another girl of your dreams.



Erotic Lesbian 2Girl Phone Sex Fantasy with Savannah

2gorl phone sex

Last night got to dive into the wonderful erotic lesbian fantasy world with M. This amazing fantasy has taken so many twist and turns over the years swear its my own personal soap opera with M as the erotic writer. Every new chapter takes us on a new adventure and course cant very well have an erotic lesbian experience without another lovely young woman by my side. Often times M has chosen the girl based on something physically that caught his eye or something within her bio and he instantly knows she must join us in a 2girl phone sex adventure to Lipstick Dreams the back drop for this lesbian soap opera of sorts.

Course last night was a bit of an interesting twist for it was one where I got to enjoy the company of Karen who was there at my conversion into lesbianism. The start to all of this amazing woman on woman dream land. However, rather than having some fun with Karen it was one where I found out she had a son who was married and Karen felt the daughter inlaw should be apart of the lesbian lifestyle that Lipstick dreams provided. (See told you very soap opera esq.)

Who was I to turn down such a request from my long time love. Karen always did have such a unbelievable power over me. She knows it too.

That is when the 2girl phone sex fantasy switch to myself and Bella, Karen’s daughter in law and my soon to be latest fling. For the only way to make Bella be a permanent resident at my lesbian club was to ensure she would never want for a dick again. That is through hypnotizing her and well sleeping with her. Has to be some perks to my job.

Once converted with my mind fuck and lovely tongue action on such a sweet pussy it then became time to inform her hubby. How do you think he took the news?

Well maybe you would love your own 2girl phone sex call where the women decide they give up cock for pussy. Lots of amazing girls to choose from and the dispatcher will be more than happy to set up the details on such a fun call.



Erotic Lesbian Phone Sex Fantasy

erotic lesbian phone sexAs mentioned in my post yesterday. This week I am focusing on my upcoming phone anniversary. After some thought on where I was going to go this year in the way of topics. Last year was focused on Top 7 but that didnt seem appropriate this year. What does seem appropriate this year is pointing out a few callers that have been calling me over the years. So to start with I was going to point out M and his erotic lesbian phone sex fantasy.

This fantasy as most have read over the years started out as one where a sexy girl would take me from my husband that being M. That I would fall instantly in love with not only the erotic female form but the idea of giving up men. As this fantasy evolved it has been one where I own a beautiful adult club where lesbians perform for men. I have a wonderful estate where woman can live their life freely as a lover of pussy.

Now to create the perfect woman on woman call you course need another girl. M has always ensured to match up the perfect woman with myself. I am sure M would remember the order of how the girls went but off the top of my head.

Monica got to be the bridesmaid at M and my wedding. She rather got the lesbian thoughts stirring with her voluptuous body. Who wouldnt with those amazing breasts of hers really.

We had Karen who lured me away from my husband by her fabulous dancing. She was the one who introduced me to the joy it was to have a woman between my legs.

Jocelyn was one of M most favorite girls and I would agree. We did have that certain chemistry. That only made the fantasy that much more intense. She was someone I lured into become a dancer at my club.

Jordan got to be the shy girl looking to explore her sexuality in the safe environment that the estate and club offered. She was a true virgin which made her very desirable to myself.

JIll was a wonderful twist on the fantasy where the idea of having baby girls were introduced to the fantasy. Jill and I became pregnant with each others eggs so that we could bring girls into this world that would grow up to be a true lesbian.

Those would be the highlight of woman that have experience the wonderful fantasy. There have been far more over the years. Some honorable mentions during our erotic lesbian phone sex adventures were; Hope, Hollie, and Jennifer.

Thanks for the wonderful adventure M.



Become Savannah’s Lesbian Lover

Those of you who are regular readers to my blog are familiar with Marky, him and I have an on going lesbian fantasy which can be rather complex at times. To be honest not even sure how long we have been talking other than we have brought in various phone sex girls over time to indulge in our elaborate fantasy.

lesbian phone sex

The other day was no different as we brought in Hope, a sweet girl. The basis of the fantasy was one where she had been interacting me through emails about being lesbian. How did you know etc. I had extended an invitation to her to join myself at the estate so that she could find her true self. Knowing full well that I was going to be seducing her the moment she arrived. How could I not really for she was so sweet and sexy.

2 girl phone sex

Course I did just that creating that moment where she could have her first lesbian experience. Which of course was intense and mind blowing. That moment had her knowing she would never want a man again.

Welcome to the estate Hope.

Looking forward to doing more 2 girl calls with Hope and exploring where this aspect our lesbian sex fantasy will go.

Lesbian Phone Sex Adventure

Marky and I have been building and expanding our lesbian phone sex adventure over the last few weeks. Got to say its been taking quite a few twist and turns as of late but I suppose before I start talking about where it is going now, I should really give a bit of a recap of where it started.

lesbian phone sex

Our fantasy swirled around my husband, Marky, taking me to a men’s club to watch the women dancing. Course didnt know the woman who danced there were all lesbian but being a woman I could feel the difference in sexual energy when I walked into the room. I knew the women dancing and turning the men on had no interest in the men. Their sexy smile was hiding their laughter. It was there that I meet Jocelyn. She introduced me into what a true love was the love that exists between two woman. That did cause a few issues being that I was married to Marky and well I knew my true destiny was to be with a woman.

How could I not be really. I mean look at a woman’s body and those sexy curve. I knew I would be giving myself over.

Marky being the loving husband knew he didnt stand a chance. You just cant compete with what 2 women have together. So in a show of love on his part he bought me the club and named it Lipstick Dream.

Now there have been many girls that have come and gone through Lipstick Dream. Unfortunately, we lost Jocelyn but gained Karen and Monica as dancers. When ever we gain a girl as a dancer there is the introduction dance to the men which is really myself making love with them in front of anyone in the club. Allowing them to see the perfect union.

This lesbian fantasy has been going on for quite a few years so I really should fast forward to the current twists, which has involved Jill who is a doctor of fertility. We came to her so that could really continue on the Lipstick Dream perfection and have me give birth.

Jill had came to the estate where all the Lipstick dancers live, a place where they are free to live an ideal lesbian life free of men. For no men may enter the gates. Once she was there of course she too wanted to forsake men and join the lesbian lifestyle. She was a welcome addition for the estate could really use a doctor.

Then Marky had approached me with the idea that Lipstick Dream join the rash of reality tv shows and let the world see what happens behind the red curtains. First it was a bit of an eye roll but the idea that perhaps the show would bring others to the estate. Those that dont know of what a wonderful place it is. Word of mouth only goes so far.

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We were right for only after a few episodes we had Jordan knocking at our door wanting to become a dancer. Her innocent looking face was going to be a perfect addition really. What man doesnt like to drool over something so young and sweet. She had me when I saw her. Also had my full attention when she told me she was a virgin. Had messed around with boys but had yet to feel their dick inside that pussy. I couldnt wait to make her a lesbian.

I know your going what all happens with Jordan? Well its still a story that is unfolding. So I guess that means you will just have to stay tuned for more.

AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

My Twitter @HypnoPhoneSex

Two Girl Phone Sex

There are times someone’s taboo phone sex fantasies require the assistance of another phone girl. So this fetish blog will focus on two girl phone sex calls both the girls I have had the pleasure to get sexy with and the fantasies that were involved. Now some of these will be names from the past and others will be current girls you know. I had debated whether or not putting girls who I no longer get the joy of working with but they were apart of my *cough* anniversary so why not right.

Top 7 Two Girl Phone Sex Calls

7. Jayden who no longer works here was always a kinky vixen. She was always ready for anything and everything no matter how taboo the phone sex fantasy. Truly miss that girl!

6. Marissa is a taboo phone sex mistress who is no longer around and truly missed as well. Enjoyed dominating submissives with her. Probably the one that comes to mind was sissy tawny oh the things that were done to that sissy.

5. Sick fetish girl Tara what can you say about her any call involving her will be unique and fun and well extreme taboo phone sex fantasy is going to be discussed. I think it might of been one those those lets see if we cant shock Savannah. Especially the calls with P!

4. Rachelle is a fun girl to do a sissy boy phone sex call. Always a great time when you pair up 2 girls who not only dressing up a sissy but slutting them out too.

3. Recently had the pleasure of doing a sexy call with Jennifer and Markie, who is always on a quest to convert the girls into lesbianism. It started out with Me venturing into Jennifer’s shoe store in the hunt for new shoes to dance in and well leaving the store with more than just the shoes.

2. Jill and I seem to get paired up for a call with K. Its a bit of a mind fuck with him. Not quite sure what I can say about our calls other than I do enjoy how Jill and I pair up together only to have K not sure if he is coming or going.

two girl phone sex

1. Monica is a pure cuckoldress and when someone is looking for a tag teaming when it comes to a cuckold phone sex call I always think of Monica. I can’t think of the number of cucks we have forced into different fantasies. So to pick just one is rather difficult.

That would be the variety of girls I have had the pleasure of doing two girl phone sex calls with. I know there are a wide variety of girls who I have yet to get the pleasure of so, you can always remedy that with a little call. If your not sure who would be a good pairing for your fantasy by all means just messaging me and I can help you with the selection.


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

My Twitter @HypnoPhoneSex

Seducing Lesbian Phone Sex

Well it was another adventure with Marky, this time our lesbian phone sex adventure took us too seducing another phone girl. One who wasnt expecting it. We opted for a phone girl with quite a bit of experience, Jennifer. I must admit the sexy blonde girl had caught my eye since she started we had chatted some but never engaged in a phone sex call. Which only made this lesbian phone sex fantasy the perfect one.

lesbian phone sex

I was to venture into Jennifer’s shoe store and look for something sexy. Marky left me to shop for he wasnt about to add anything opinion wise, my asking him would only to stroke his fading ego nothing more. I let her surprise me shoe wise other than to tell her I wanted something to dance in and make the men weak. Even though my fondness is for woman I do like to make men weak. I knew right away that I had to seduce her but it was more than that. For as I stood at the till I leaned over and started to touch her hand in such away. Just to rub it. Lulling her into a sweet trance with my touch and my voice. It wasnt long before she was locking up her store and coming off with Marky and I.

She was about to enter into her first lesbian phone sex encounter and I was about to convert another girl. The excitement was mounting for both of us in different ways. Me knowing I would be introducing a woman into the pure love only a woman can bring another woman. Jennifer’s excitement well it was evident from her hardening nipples and the flush coming across her face. She knew what was about to happen and was ever so eager.

That was only the beginning of my seduction.


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish


My Twitter @HypnoPhoneSex

Lesbian Phone Sex Fantasy

Some maybe rather familiar with my lesbian phone sex fantasy calls with Marky. Well perhaps not so much the name of the person behind the sensual fantasy but the calls themselves where its a world where woman are in complete power and its all about their union together into a greater more intense love.

Marky had caught up to me today and gave me an elbow to the side to say that I had clearly forgot to blog about our last intense lesbian phone sex union that Marky had woven together which was a call between Monica and I. Some times a call can be so intense that I like to keep them between myself and the caller but then again the caller loves to see the call be posted in a blog so others can see what erotic fantasies are woven between 3 people.

lesbian phone sex

Our erotic lesbian phone sex fantasy was one where Marky and I had gotten married but the wedding night produced a drastic change of events obviously. Once being carried over the hotel door threshold there was Monica in all her curvacious glory.

Husband who?

My thoughts were not upon pleasing my new husbands cock or having him please me. It was about wanting to get to know this wondrous woman before me. To know every inch of her amazing body.

Where those lesbian thoughts came from who knows exactly but I wasnt about to fight them. Who could really. For fighting them would only mean I was denying myself true pleasure.

True sexual pleasure that only a woman could bring.

I know your craving more details but really that is all I am going to share. I am going to be selfish on this one. You can’t blame me.

lesbian phone sex fantasy

Don’t worry there will be other lesbian phone sex stories to share. Marky will make sure of it. Wont you Marky?


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish


My Twitter @HypnoPhoneSex

Lesbian Fantasy

I got to enjoy a call with Mark. He pops into the phone sex chat room from time to time to see how I am doing and a bit more really. Our calls started with the sexual conversion of sexy Jocelyn into being my lesbian lover. The twists and turns of that lesbian fantasy always kept me on my toes. Some sort of saw it coming but for the most part never really did see where things were going to go in that phone sex fantasy. The other night Mark came back into chat to see if I was up for another role play. The question was did I want to play the role of converting another cheap phone girl or did I want to be the one being sexually converted into lesbianism. Well always loving to try knew things it was time to take on the role of being the one transforming into a lesbian.

lesbian phone sex

Now the basis of the fantasy was that I was to be Mark’s wife and venture into a strip club for something new. Little spice up of the relationship. Only to find out that I was completely turned on by the girls dancing before us. I think you can see where this is going. It was going to be me heading into the back room for a little private dance with one sexy stripper and myself. Leaving my husband behind in the club unable to watch.

I know your wondering what cheap phone girl got to be the one to convert me? Well the girl that caught Mark’s eye was Gina. The part on her bio was that she was all about female superiority. Of course she was going to be the one to lead me into lesbianism to forsake men and cock all together. To discover the pure bliss and happiness that only a woman’s pussy can bring.

For that pussy can lead me to do all sorts of things that I didnt know I was capable of doing such as getting up to dance and tease cocks. To become a dancer and toy with men in such a way that they think they shall get my pussy but it is meant for one person and one person only……

AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

My Twitter @HypnoPhoneSex

Erotic Phone Sex Fantasies

I seem to be spending a fair amount of time in the phone sex chat room between chatting with the girls about new finds in the make up department all the way to well who we are seeing or not seeing. Typical girl stuff really. So with the west coast getting pelted with storm after storm, I have been getting my girl time in chat. Unless the weather is nice then my sexy ass is out there catching some of the sun poking through those winter clouds. Which was the case today. I had took off with a friend to wander the malls. We were suppose to catch some Christmas Fair but umm someone not to mention any names… had the wrong weekend in their head. Luckily, enough I was reading the paper and noticed the date on the ad. Did I bug her about it? Of course I did. We had a great time for I havent seen her in weeks.

erotic phone sex

I had a pretty busy weekend. It got kicked off with dear Dan deciding to pull a marathon phone sex session. Must say Dan you made me laugh. We had said our goodbyes after a couple of hours and then there was this instant message flashing on my computer something to the effects of wanna go till morning? Seemed the endorphins kicked in and he was ready to go. He was on a quest to go to a taboo place somewhere different than we had been before. Dan had so much fun now the planning starts for the next taboo phone sex call.

Then Saturday night, was spent with Marky, who found me in the chat room. Who had a bit of a different fantasy to unfold. His was very erotic and sensual with a hint of difference to it. I was to be his secretary who avoided his advances. The whisper around the water cooler was that I was a lesbian.Ā  Marky’s erotic phone sex fantasy was that I was to be his wife’s anniversary present. Introduce her to how sensual and sexy woman could not only feel but taste as well. So Marky had arranged for me to seduce Jocelyn. Now I will admit after all this time this was the first time that I had played with her. Well it took us no time at all to become enraptured with each other. My voice hypnotized Jocelyn into realizing she no longer needed her husband and it was me who could satisfy her every sexual craving.

We are only part way through the call actually. Since we are looking to continue this erotic lesbian phone sex fantasy later. We had a few options on where to take the call and well I opted to take it to a different tangent. So I have not got Marky to explain what will happen for I want to be just as surprised as my dear Jocelyn.

As you can see my weekend was rather entertaining. I can’t wait to see what my weekend will be like. I will confess that I would love to do a few more 2 girl call for there has been a number of new girls that caught his eye and he wasnt the only one eager to play with them. So perhaps that can happen this week.


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

My Twitter @HypnoPhoneSex